Voice V122 Price in Pakistan

Voice V122 Price in Pakistan is PKR 1480. It comes with Screen and RAM + storage. In terms of camera, this mobile has Camera. Voice V122 comes with battery.

Voice V122 Key Specs

Voice V122
Rs. 1,480
Front Camera
Rear Camera
Battery Capacity

Market Status:

Release Date:

Voice V122 Price & Specifications

Voice V122 is available in the price range of PKR 1,480. It comes with RAM and Memory. In Pakistan, the Voice V122 smartphone has incredible features at a competitive price.

The Voice V122 is available in colors. Due to the smartphone's specifications like its screen, camera, battery, and Processor(Chipset), buyers now prefer it as the brand launched this phone in a good price range.

The Single Single back camera and selfie camera on the Voice V122 are desirable to selfie lovers. The Voice V122 achieved high-speed performance because of the Chipset and GPU.

It has a mAh long-lasting battery which supports Fast Charging that may give full-day backup. Voice V122 has fast and accurate performing Fingerprint and Face ID sensors in it.

With all of these amazing qualities, the Voice V122 can be purchased in Pakistan for only 1,480 Pakistani Rupees. From the Online Market, you may purchase the Voice V122 from stores like OLX, Daraz, Priceoye, or Telemart.

The Voice V122 is also available for sale in offline markets of major cities of Pakistan like Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Quetta, Peshawar, and others.

Dimensions109 x 46.2 x 13mm
MessagingYes - up to 500
Main Camera
SingleDigital Camera
2GGSM 900/DCS 1800

Disclaimer: Voice V122 price in Pakistan is updated on daily basis after confirmation from reliable sources and official dealers. Still, this platform does not assure that the price mentioned here is 100% correct. There is always a chance of technical / human error while dollar fluctuation also affects the prices. It is better to visit your nearby mobile phone dealer or retail store in order to know the current price of the mobile phone in Pakistan.

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Voice V122 Compare

  • V122 V122 Rs. 1480

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Voice V122 Availability

Voice V122 Price for Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad and all other major cities of Pakistan starts from PKR 1,480.

Official PriceStatus
PKR 1,480Available

Voice V122 FAQs

Q. What is the Price of Voice V122 in Pakistan?

Ans. Voice V122 Price in Pakistan starts from PKR 1,480, the mobile phone is available at both local and online stores in Pakistan.

Voice V122 Price and Specifications in Pakistan

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