Now, Birds R Silent. Buterflies R Hanging.. Sun Is Sleeping Moon Is Watching U, Sshhhhhhhh.. Its Time 2 Sleep,Close Ur Eyes.. Sweet Dreams!
Wishing the sweetest night to a sweet natured person may you sleep and fall from bed tonight then you will remember that you forgot to wish me “GOOD NIGHT”
I pray FOR YOU a life that YOU truly deserve, a life as good as YOUR heart, a life as bright as YOUR smile, & a life as wonderful as YOU.. Take care.. Good nite
“Evryday”, “Evrytime”, “Evrywhre”, I may not be with u. But “My Thinking”, “My Care”, “My Prayers”, & “My Lovely Wishes” are Always with you.! “Good Night..”
Hv u evr thought while sleeping if the fan breaks & falls on ur head Or Lizard climbs up ur bed & starts walking on ur neck or a green snake goes into ur nose or a cockroach goes through ur mouth & comes out through ur ears anyhow sleep …
NIGHT is a good time to REMEMBER all the sweet things & all sweet persons like You in LIFE So sleep well with your SWEET MEMORIE GOOD NIGHT
Night comes with great feelings of love, sacrifice, care and pleasures specially you receive text from your love one and you close your eyes with beautiful smile and he / her is on your mind..;-) Have a lovely Good Night!
I Wish Moon always be full & Bright and you always be cool & right, Whenever you go to switch off the Light, Remember that I am Missing you & Wishing You Good Night!
Bitter truth of life.. Every desired thing in life is either illegal, banned, occupied, costly, unavailable, invalid or COMMITTED…