HMD Global will soon launch another new Original Nokia Phone

HMD global is not playing fairly well in the smartphone segment, that's why it has been reintroducing its original phones with similar design aspects of the past successful Nokia phones. The company has already launched refreshed versions of Nokia 3310 and Nokia 8110. Now, the company is planning to launch another past Nokia Original phone later this month, with a refreshed design and modern features.

It looks like HMD Global which manufactures and markets Nokia branded phones has figured out how to make the most out of its former glory. The company launched a refreshed version of the most popular past phone of Nokia, 3310 was released in 2017 with a more attractive design and present day features. Later in 2018, it launched a revised Nokia 8110. Now, it is going to revive another classic phone this year for the fans of Classic Nokia phones.

Chief Product Officer of HMD Global, Juho Sarvikas tweeted about a new Nokia “original” phone that is going to make debut at the Chinese New Year, which is on January 25. HMD Global first launched Nokia 3310, but the device didn't come with 3G connectivity support. However, later on, the company launched a 3G version of the Nokia 3310 too. This continued with the launch of Nokia 8110 4G phone in October 2018.

The refreshed feature phones by Nokia run on KaiOS operating system. Now, it will be interesting to see if Nokia will launch a similar feature phone with KaiOS or this time it is going to launch a smartphone with a Classic Nokia phone design. It is not clear, which Nokia Original phone is going to make a comeback by the end of this month as the company is not revealing any information. More details are expected to emerge in the coming few days.

About Aqsa Waseem

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