Huawei Surpasses Apple and Emerged as the 2nd Largest Smartphone Vendor on the Globe

China's Huawei Technologies overtook Apple Inc to become the world's second largest smartphone vendor in the the 2nd quarter, data from market research firms showed, as it gained a market in Europe and expanded its foots in China too. While Samsung maintained the top global smartphone vendor spot.

Manufacturing millions of Mid range budget phones has worked well for Huawei in the Asia, where its sales more than doubled if compared with the same quarter last year.

Huawei shipped 54.2 million phones in this quarter, 41 percent more than last year, and jumped ahead of the iPhone maker Apple inc for the first time. Huawei accounted for 16 percent of the market, compared with 21 percent for South Korea's Samsung and 12 percent for Apple. Xiaomi Corp and Oppo, both based in China, rounded out the top five.

It was the first time Apple had not been the number one or number two smartphone manufacturing company in terms of market share since the second quarter of 2010.

Chinese smartphone makers have been gaining influence as their domestic market grows and they expand abroad. Huawei has been expanding aggressively in Europe and Africa, though it is not allowed to enter the US and Australia.

The Chinese smartphone and telecom equipment maker has struggled to gain a hold in the United States, mainly because of official concerns that its technology could be used by the Chinese government to spy and gather intelligence.

In the smartphone operating system market, Googles Android further extended its lead over Apples iOS in the second quarter of 2018, securing 88 percent market share to 11.9 percent share for iOS.

Huawei is one of several companies racing to develop Foldable screens and capability for 5G technology.

About Aqsa Waseem

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