Latest Apple Leak Confirms the Biggest Design Change in iPhone 11

Apple iPhone 11 official launch is due in two months. That suggests we are going to have more and more leaks as the launch date comes closer. We currently have a good idea how the new iPhone 11 is going to look like and what features it will incorporate, moreover some specifications of the devices are also known as of now.

All three iPhone 11 models going to launch this year will have a square shaped camera module on the back that will contain three lenses on the iPhone 11 and 11 Max,  and two lenses on the iPhone 11R. Due to the new camera bump Apple had to make some significant changes inside to house the third camera without affecting the battery life.

An image has emerged on social media networks that shows that the iPhone 11 lineup will feature an I shaped logic board instead of an L shaped logic board that we used to see in the previous iphones.

The logic board is supplied to Apple from the manufacturer Foxconn. The design change is made to incorporate the 3rd camera and making more room for a slightly bigger battery.

It was previously reported that iPhone 11 battery capacity will be increased by 20% from its predecessor, the iPhone 11 Max battery will be upped by 10%, and the iPhone XR successor battery will also be increased a bit. The iPhone 11 lineup will be announced by Apple at a media event going to held in early September.

About Aqsa Waseem

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