Red Hydrogen One worlds first holographic smartphone

Although this seems astonishing, even unbelievable but the truth is that this smartphone has become the worlds first ever holographic smartphone.

Red has introduced this smartphone with the collaboration of two US carriers ” AT&T and Verizon. Kevin Petersen, senior vice president of device and network services marketing of AT&T says, This revolutionary smartphone will provide you with significant advancements in the way you create and view content on the leading network for entertainment when the Red Hydrogen One launches you will be able to look around, below and into your screens image with a 4-view holographic display, which is even better than 3D. The Red Hydrogen One is an Android smartphone with a 5.7 inch LCD and 835 Snapdragon processor. The smartphone comes with 128 gigabytes of internal storage, and also has a micro-SD slot for extra storage. The company is flaunting the smartphones 4-view display, this technology allows users to see 3D images without glasses.

As per the claim by RED, a user can use the phone as a fully featured 2D phone with access to the same Android apps available on other Android phones. The smartphone also has a pogo pin system that will enable users to add modules to the device to add more functionality. The company is taking pre-orders on the official website of the company and the device will be available for purchase in coming months. The price of Hydrogen One will range from $1,195(138,000 Pkr) for an aluminum model to $1,595(184,000 Pkr) for a titanium-based version.

About Aqsa Waseem

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