Samsung Patents a Rounded Smartphone Design that Reminds Us of a Sony PSP

Samsung's latest patent has hinted towards a new possible direction that the smartphone manufacturers can consider while designing their devices. A new patent from Samsung has been spotted online that shows an unusual smartphone design. The patent was filed by the South Korean giant with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The application containing the design is titled “Portable terminal and icon arranging method” and was published on January 23, 2020. The patent is also included in the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) database.

The patent filed by Samsung includes a unique design with rounded display on top and bottom and looks a lot like Sony PSP. The top and bottom curves will include different controls while performing different tasks and will change according to the situation. It will be very useful for gamers because they will get all the controls for playing the game on the rounded sides of the display. However, the screen runs all the way around the phone but there is still a minimal bezel on top and bottom housing the speaker, selfie camera and mouthpiece.

The patent suggests that Samsung has used three display parts in the design, one is the main screen and two sub screens with rounded borders on the top and bottom. The sub displays are primarily for touch controls and can show different types of content when idle such as app icons, battery indicator, calls, network signal, and more. The patent depicts in the sketch that while watching videos, the sub screen will show touch controls of adjusting volume, playback speed etc. The design is unique and seems practical with some useful options but it is unclear whether it will ever see the light of the day or not.

About Aqsa Waseem

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