Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) wants to impose a Tax on Digital Companies

Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) wants to impose a Tax on Digital Giants like Amazon, Google, Facebook, YouTube and others who are earning Revenues from Pakistan.

As per FBR rules these companies are entitled  to pay taxes against earning money from the country mainly from Advertisements. According to FBR rules these Tech Companies have to pay 5% tax on the total Revenue in Pakistan.

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal, Inland Revenue Policy Member at FBR, briefed the Senates Standing Committee on the Boards proposal. In his briefing he said that Pakistan has to tax on these companies who are earning billions of rupees in terms of bringing Foreign Investment.

But the Senate Standing Committee refuses the proposal, saying that this will impact negatively on foreign Investors.

If the National Assembly passes the Bill, so Technology Companies will have to pay 5% taxes on the total Revenue they generate from Pakistan.

About Aqsa Waseem

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