Huawei Chairman Obliging to Sign No Spy Agreement with US Government

Huawei's Chairman Liang Hua, said to the American journalists that the company is willing to sign a "no-spy agreement" with the United States Government to reassure people who say the company's technology can be used for surveillance purposes.

Huawei has made similar offers to UK and Germany after Trump administration insisted these countries to cut ties with the company. It is the first such public offer of an agreement to the United States, but it seems like the conditions does not exist for such a deal.

While speaking to a small group of U.S. journalists who were visiting with the China United States Exchange Foundation. Liang accused US of inappropriate conduct, "It is inappropriate to use political means to disrupt an industry," he said.

Huawei is the largest telecommunications company in the world and it is a strong competitor of Apple and Samsung in the smartphone market. Chinese technology giant is the world's second largest smartphone seller just behind Samsung.

The conflict between the US government and Huawei started in 2011 when US intelligence accused the company by saying that the company's hardware could provide access to China's massive surveillance and spying agencies. Huawei has officially denied these allegations on multiple occasions.

About Aqsa Waseem

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