The Samsung Galaxy S10 Leaks “ Code name BEYOND

The code name of this upcoming model itself expressing the intention of the manufacturer and telling us that Samsung Galaxy S10 will be way BEYOND than its previous models.

We hope to find some features in the gadget revolutionary and innovative. Rumors are all around too about its features and specs. Samsung is on super seat since the launch of Samsung Galaxy S9 as this is called as one of the best Smartphones which launched in this year of 2018. There are features and specifications which are hidden yet, some roaming news might be very interesting like the screen size will be increased 6.3 inches featuring a new iteration of Qualcomms Snapdragon chip, most likely the Snapdragon 855, a new function of In-Display ultrasonic fingerprint sensors in their display, 3D camera feature, etc.

Image Source: Zach Epstein, BGR

If we talk about the internet speed and all than we are hearing that this Smartphone will be first Smartphone to support super-fast 5G, which means, the faster connectivity and browsing speed (but unfortunately we here in Pakistan cannot take advantage of the speed and connectivity as for now due to not having the 5G service yet).

As like most of the times, where there is a good news, comes the gloomy one also and with this device the news is that, guys you will have to wait till somewhere around the beginning of the next year (2019) to see and enjoy this new high-tech Smartphone¦

About Aqsa Waseem

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