MITs New AI Technology Can See Through Walls And Track Peoples Movement

A group of researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed an artificial intelligence based system that can track the body movements of people even when they are behind a wall or any other obstacle.

The research headed by professor Dina Katabi combined artificial intelligence and radio frequency equipped devices to come up with a system named as RF-Pose.

The system makes use of a neural network to parse radio signals that reflect human body and form a two dimensional stick figure representing the pose of the human being.

According to the research paper  published in Computer Vision Foundation, While visible light is easily blocked by walls and opaque objects, radio frequency (RF) signals in the WiFi range can traverse such occlusions. Further, they reflect off the human body, providing an opportunity to track people through walls.

As per researchers, the system would be useful in muscular dystrophy, Parkinsons disease, and multiple sclerosis. Another possible application of this AI system can be found in surveillance alarms. By providing the added security of monitoring for falls, injuries and changes in activity patterns, it can help aged people live more independently.

With such rapid advancements in the field of artificial intelligence, the day is not far when the RF Pose would be available in the form of glasses and lend us Superman like X-Ray vision.

About Aqsa Waseem