New Version of LG's rollable TV hides in the ceiling and rolls down like a projector screen

LG has been developing and teasing it's rollable display TV since quite some time. Now the company has announced a new concept version that unrolls like a projector from the ceiling. The 65 inch UHD OLED TV can hide from plain sight when rolled up to the ceiling and will be visible when rolls down. 

LG has already showcased a rollable TV at 2018 CES, that used to roll upwards from a box. Then, the company put it's Signature OLED TV R on display in the previous year's CES. The 65 inch 4K TV had numerous slats that let it roll around an internal cylinder, allowing it to hide in its base when not in use.

Now, at the CES 2020, LG Display will unveil the latest version of its rollable TV line, which is going to be a 65 inch UHD OLED display concept that rolls down from the ceiling. LG Director of New Product Development Tim Alessi stated that changing the roll up to roll down was not as simple as flipping a rolling TV upside down.

LG has been teasing rollable displays and their different iterations for years, but until now it has been unable to launch a consumer ready product that pleases the end users. This may change with the latest technology that the company is ready to unfold at the CES 2020. While the price and launch date of a retail unit of Rollable TV is not announced yet.

About Aqsa Waseem

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