Through facial recognition technology, this school scans classrooms every 30 seconds.

The facial recognition technology introduced in the school in China is intended for recording facial expressions of all students while they are in their classrooms. The system scans the classroom every 30 seconds. The technology can recognize seven different expressions such as neutral, happy, sad, disappointed, scared, angry and surprised.

A high school in China has made a facial recognition technology system that scans the students behavior in the classroom. The system is called as Intelligent Classroom Behavior Management System and it is being used at Hangzhou No. 11 High School. With scanning facial expressions the system has the ability to even analysis six types of behaviors by the students such as standing up, reading, writing, hand raising, listening to the teacher, and leaning on the desk. The information regarding how the students are reacting and behaving in the class when a teacher teaches is later sent to teachers to more efficiently analyze the behavior of students. The system is also used to monitor attendance.

There is a hazard that the system challenges the students privacy, however, the school management thinks otherwise. The Vice Principal of the school, Mr. Zhang Guanchao said that the system only collects and analyzes the results of the facial recognition analysis and stores them in a local database rather than uploading it in a cloud. The system does not save the images in order to prevent unauthorized access to the data at all, the vice principal added.

About Aqsa Waseem