Chinese Tech Giant Alibaba successfully Developed an AI able to Detect Coronavirus with 96% Accuracy in just 20 Seconds

The world is still in a state of panic with the COVID-19 outbreak commonly known as Novel Coronavirus. The virus has emerged from the state of Wuhan and spread to the other countries of the World rapidly. The most affected country is still China with over 90,000 confirmed cases and more than 3,000 deaths. President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping has called on the country's tech sector to help battle the epidemic.

Along with the Medicine and Research sector, Technology companies are introducing Disinfecting robots, smart helmets, thermal camera-equipped drones and advanced facial recognition software are all being deployed in the fight against Covid-19 at the heart of the outbreak China. Now, the largest Technology company of the country, Alibaba has entered the battle against this deadly virus with their latest Artificial Intelligence Technology.

Alibaba has developed a diagnosis algorithm after studying data from more than 5,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The newly developed AI can distinguish differences in the CT scans of infected patients versus non-infected ones. The breakthrough AI is able to provide a 96% accuracy rate and needs only about 20 seconds to determine a diagnosis. Since the outbreak, Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, had donated $14 million in order to fight the disease.

The system developed by Alibaba does not work on its own, it requires computerized tomography (CT) scans of patients to form a diagnostic, but is faster and more reliable than human doctors at the intended task. A human doctor will require about 15 minutes in order to study the CT scan and pass a verdict but the AI can jump to the conclusion within a record time of 20 seconds and that too with 96% accuracy.

According to Alibaba, the system will be adopted in more than 100 hospitals in the regions of Hubei, Guangdong, and Anhui. The company also donated a huge amount of $144 million towards providing medical supplies to the worst affected Hubei province of China. Other Chinese medicine and technology companies are also working hard to come up with helpful contributions to curb this deadly virus.

About Aqsa Waseem