edotco and seller agree to end acquisition process for Deodar in Pakistan

edotco Group SdnBhd (edotco), a subsidiary of Axiata Group Berhad (Axiata), today announced that they will not be moving forward with the acquisition of 13,000 towers from Pakistan Mobile Communications Limited (PMCL) in Pakistan.

The transaction was subject to a number of conditions and terminated due to the non-fulfilment of the conditions precedent to the SPA within the stipulated timeframe, in particular regulatory approval for the resulting change of control contemplated under the SPA.

edotco remains committed to Pakistan and will continue to grow its existing business under edotco Pakistan, comprising today of the towers acquired by Tanzanite Towers carried out earlier this year.

Suresh Sidhu, Chief Executive Office of edotco Group, said

We do not foresee this affecting our business goals and aspirations. We are confident in the potential of the growing market in Pakistan and are committed to the existing operations there. We continue to develop our pipeline of opportunities into Pakistan as well as into other markets in South and South East Asia and are confident we will be able to meet our goals for business growth
Arif Hussain, Country Managing Director for edotco Pakistan, added
We have seen strong progress in Pakistan since our first acquisition here and business continues to grow with new orders for sites as well as high demand for adjacent opportunities such as energy solutions. We remain focused on building the business in Pakistan.

About Aqsa Waseem