Huawei Trademarks a new name for its Android replacement called Harmony OS

After U.S. put ban on its companies to work with Huawei. The Chinese technology giant started looking for alternatives for the Android OS on which the whole smartphone segment of the company depends on. Huawei was reportedly developing its own OS named Hengmong. Now in the latest development, the company has registered a name Harmony OS with the European Union Intellectual Property Office.

Industry insiders assume that it is the same Hengmong OS but with a different name that is easier to pronounce and understand for the global users. Huawei's own OS will be ready by the end of this year while the official launch is slated for the first quarter of 2020. Huawei Founder and CEO said in an interview that their Operating System will be 60% faster than Android and iOS.

Chinese smartphone manufacturer is now decreasing its dependency on the U.S. companies. Huawei is going to host ts developers conference from 9th to 11th of August this year at the Songshan Lake campus of the company. The main theme of the conference will be the upcoming 5G technology but we can expect to hear more about the potential Android replacement OS at the event.

About Aqsa Waseem