Sony is restructuring its camera department, Xperia phones will now get better cameras

Sony is itself a leading maker of camera lenses but consumers still wonder why Sony is not giving better cameras in its Xperia smartphones. Now Sony executive has admitted its non competitiveness among other smartphone makers in the camera department because of some internal conflicts between its business departments.

Sony not only makes imaging sensors but it is a manufacturer of professional camera lenses too. There has been a rift between Sony imaging team and mobile phone department thats why company could not incorporate its imaging technology into its smartphones.

New Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida is doing some restructuring and part of that is bringing Kimio Maki, formerly from Digital Imaging, to now take charge of Sony Mobile so we can hope that things might change now. Sony’s Xperia phones have lagged behind the competition far too long in the camera department of their smartphones.

According to inside reports, Sony Alpha camera team and the Xperia mobile teams will be collaborating on bringing better cameras to their smartphones. The upcoming Xperia 1 will probably be the first smartphone to benefit from this collaboration as its camera will have lower image noise, better autofocus and other features.

About Aqsa Waseem