Apple Has Given 1 Billion iPhone Users A Reason To Not Switch To Android

Few days ago, Apple claimed that it has 1.4 Billion active users who owns an iPhone, iPad and iPod. Out of which more than 900 million are iPhone users and the number is increasing day by day. Recently a glitch hit the Apple devices that put the loyalty of its users on stake, and majority of them were on the verge to switching to another smartphone brand.

On monday 26 Apple released some bugs fixes update in the form of iOS 12.4 but along with the update it accidentally reopened a port through which current generations iPhones can be jailbroken and even hacked. That caused unrest among the users but Apple responded immediately and rolled out iOS 12.4.1 that closes the specific loophole.

The seriousness of the mistake made by Apple can be understood by knowing the fact that any iOS App installed in the device can allow dangerous hack to be injected in the device because the usual protocols to prevent any malware were not up to the mark at that time when the device was running on iOS 12.4.

Where the news made most of the Apple users shocked and terrified, there were a few geeks who were excited and wanted to jailbreak their new generation iPhones. Jailbreak gives access to the system code where programmers or hackers can make changes. Cupertino giant has fixed the issue quickly but a mistake of this magnitude from a company like Apple was not expected.

About Aqsa Waseem