Huawei claims half of its Flagship devices will have Foldable Displays by 2021

Whether you like the idea of owning a foldable smartphone or not, foldable phones are here. And it seems like Huawei is betting heavily on foldable smartphones because in a recent interview the CEO of the company’s Consumer Business Group, Richard Yu, revealed Huawei’s short term plans for the new device format.

Richard Yu is hopeful that half of Huawei’s flagship smartphone will come with foldable displays in two years. He stated, “I think that on a flagship level in two years, half of our devices could be foldable.” He also admits that there are few challenges in sticking to the plan but he seems confident that Huawei will overcome all the obstacles.

When asked about the higher cost of foldable smartphones as compared to regular flagships, Yu said, “As times fly, the costs will reduce, I think in two years foldable phones will have a similar price to current flagship phones. Still, some people will prefer normal smartphones and others will prefer foldable ones.”

In the foldable smartphone segment, Huawei’s primary focus at the moment is its recently announced Mate X, which will go on sale in June. The Mate X is very large in size because when unfolded it looks like a Tablet not a smartphone and general public does not prefer to carry along a big and bulky device with them.

When asked about the similar question, Yu stated that “In the future we can make a foldable phone sized in half of this one (P30 Pro), we have plans for a smaller foldable phone.” By looking at the ambitions of CEO of Huawei Consumer Business Group it looks like the company is not intended to stop progressing anytime soon.

About Aqsa Waseem