Huawei Executive Says We Need More Time To Become World's Top Smartphone Maker

A senior executive of Huawei Technologies said on Thursday that we need more time to become World's top phone maker. Huawei originally planned to achieve the goal in fourth quarter this year.

Shao Yang, chief strategy officer of Huawei Consumer Business Group said: "We would have become the largest in the fourth quarter (of this year) but now we feel that this process may take longer." he didn't elaborate on the reasons why it would take more time.

While the reason is clearly the recent U.S. ban, the company is facing. As all the companies from the United States have cut their ties with the Chinese technology giant. Trump administration has put Huawei on a blacklist last month that bared it from doing business with US companies on security grounds.

Huawei currently sells 500,000 to 600,000 smartphones a day, Yang said in his speech at the CES Asia technology show in Shanghai. The company said in January that it will become the world’s biggest selling smartphone vendor this year even without penetrating the U.S. market.

However, analysts expects that the U.S. ban might bring Huawei’s smartphone shipments down to a quarter of what it used to sell and even cause its smartphones to disappear from overseas markets. As a result, the company will do business in China only.

About Aqsa Waseem

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