Huawei Hengmong OS is faster than Android and iOS, has broader application Says Huawei Founder

Huawei was working on Hengmong OS after U.S. barred its companies to work with the Chinese technology giant. The fate of the OS was then became uncertain as U.S. has lifted the ban but in a recent interview Huawei Founder Ren Zhengfei said that Hengmong OS is faster than Android and iOS, moreover it has a broader application.

According to the founder of Huawei, Hengmong OS is not just for smartphones and Tablets. It would also work on routers, PCs, printed circuit boards, self driving cars, and many other platforms. So its more than just a replacement for Android as it can create a perfect ecosystem.

Despite the fact that Huawei could operate it's devices on the Android platform, Ren said that he is highly optimistic about Hengmong OS. He understands that it would be difficult to compete with Android that powers around 70% of the smartphones globally.

Ren Zhengfei further states that Hengmong OS has a processing delay of less than 5 milliseconds making it faster from its Android and iOS counterparts. The Huawei in house OS is almost 60% faster than Android. Hengmong OS will debut in China this fall with expected rollout next year for other regions as well.

About Aqsa Waseem

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