Instagram Will Now Use AI To Warn Users Before Posting Offensive Captions

Facebook owned photo sharing social media platform Instagram developed an AI to further enhance its ongoing efforts to control online bullying. The platform will now warn users when their photo contains a caption which is considered offensive, that will provide them a chance to rephrase the caption or remove it before posting. Instagram is launching this new feature in select countries first, it is designed to make users think twice before posting videos or photos with offensive captions.

The process of identifying and warning the users of potentially offensive captions, Instagram relies on this newly developed AI. It will alert users on the basis of what other users have reported previously containing a similar caption. The user can rethink the caption and make it less offensive. The popular photo and video sharing platform is trying to eradicate online abuse and cyber-bullying. Online abuse and bullying is a perpetual problem for most of the social media platforms.

Instagram confirms that even when the users get "may be considered offensive" warning, they can still post it if they want to. If the post violates the platform's terms of services and is against community standards then it will be removed. Facebook owned platform also tells that the AI is learning ways to detect offensive captions if people try to circumvent it, including using punctuation in words (like "b.a.d." instead of "bad"). Instagram earlier this year has already launched a feature that notifies people when their comments may be considered offensive before posting them.

About Aqsa Waseem