iPhone 2019 leaks shows bigger variant will feature triple rear camera but without any innovation in charging department

The reports of Apples largest iPhone 2019 shipping with a triple lens camera have been confirmed today with official statements from the supply chain company that is one of Apples manufacturing partners.

Largan Precision is one of the leading Apple suppliers of Apple and will be providing new hardware for the upcoming iPhones, such as the iPhone 11 Max which is widely rumored to be coming with a triple lens rear camera.

If the triple lens camera will feature on the iPhone 11 Max when it is launched in September 2019, it would be Apples first use of three lenses in an iPhone camera.

Another leak about the charging department of The new iPhone suggests that company is not bringing anything new like fast charging or something. Apple's 2019 iPhone will come with the standard 5w slow chargers that are shipping on the current variants.

2019 is shaping up to be the most exciting year in recent history when it comes to smartphone design we have to see what changes in desgin Apple makes in this year iPhone lineup.

About Aqsa Waseem

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