Qualcomm chipsets support 192MP cameras, 64MP and 100MP camera smartphones are expected to make debut this year

A Qualcomm executive has made claims that we could see smartphones that pack 64MP and 100MP camera sensors before the end of 2019. As of now, Vivo V15 Pro, Honor View 20, Oppo F11 Pro, among others equips 48MP camera smartphones. It is the highest megapixels sensor available right now.

In order to bring 100MP sensors on to phones, there have to be sensors available in the first place. Then the chipset needs to be able to support them. And last of all, phone manufacturers need to build phone capable of handling and supporting high resolution. This all seems not too far after Qualcomm’s executive statement.

Judd Heape, Qualcomm’s senior director of product management says that Qualcomm's Snapdragon 670, 675, 710, 712, 845 and 855 can all support camera sensors of up to 192MP. He predicts that users may see 100MP cameras on their smartphones by the end of this year.

Judd also revealed to us that some OEMs are working with camera sensor makers to release phones with 64MP and even 100MP+ cameras later this year. Pixel binning is currently used in many devices that packs in 48MP sensors, effectively turning a full resolution image into a 12MP image. This means that a 64MP camera would produce 16MP shots using the pixel binning method.

Heape also revealed that the next Qualcomm’s flagship chipset Snapdragon 865 will support HDR10 video recording with frame by frame and scene by scene metadata. The megapixel war that had once been put aside is making a return and we may see smartphone makers equip their devices with massive 100MP+ cameras soon.

About Aqsa Waseem

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