QuickPath is the Slide to Type Keyboard feature for iPhone and iPad in iOS 13

iOS 13 has bring a bunch of updates and new features for the iPhone and iPad. A new feature called QuickPath has been incorporated in the latest version of iOS to make typing more easy and convenient. Android users have been using gesture typing from quite a while but unfortunately the feature was not available till now for iPhone users who rely on the default Keyboard, though some third party apps had the gesture typing feature.

Now the gesture typing feature is officially available at Apple's very own new iOS 13 that runs on the iPad and iPhones including the latest iPhone 11 lineup. Those who have used Google keyboards or other third party keyboards knows how convenient it is to slide your finger/thumb across the words and it will detect what you want to type instead of tapping the letters individually.

QuickPath allows you to type a word without removing your finger from the keyboard when entering individual letters. Once you've spelled out the word and finished simply lift your finger off the screen and iOS will automatically add a space. You can also put a full stop in the same sequence without lifting your thumb/finger if the word is last in the sentence.

QuickPath is smart enough to understand the words that have double letters in them, if you want to write "call" and slide your finger to c a l, it will automatically detect that you want to write "call" and will double the letter to complete the word. QuickPath comes in very handy in those situations when we are using our smartphone from just one hand, such as during eating. All it requires to slide your thumb across and board and the AI will do the rest of the work.

About Aqsa Waseem