Huawei Warns Trump, Not To Make It Fight With Google

In the recent turn of events, it seems like Huawei and U.S Government are again on the brink of getting to a point where U.S could impose sanctions or ban the Chinese tech giant as a result of Trade war. When everything was getting normal after the previous ban and then its lifting, reports have emerged that U.S government is again considering a similar action against Huawei.

Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei has warned the U.S Government to keep off from banning the company again, he says that if U.S bars Huawei to have access to Android then American Software giants such as Google and Apple will lose their positions as the dominant Smartphone OS providers and Huawei will give them a tough competition with its own Operating System.

U.S economy depends greatly on its Software and Technology industry, some of the world's largest technology companies are based in U.S including Google and Apple. The world relies on Android and iOS when it comes to smartphones and other smart devices such as wearables. Huawei has given U.S a clear warning that it will dethrone its major technology companies and will capture their position if U.S does not give it access to Android.

Huawei has unveiled its HarmonyOS just a couple of days ago and it aims to create an Ecosystem for smart devices that will be more fast, efficient and user friendly. It aims to incorporate the HarmonyOS to Mobile phones, Tablets, Smart Speakers, Smart Wearables and LED TVs. If Huawei manages to provide something better than the U.S companies such as Google, Apple or Amazon then it will surely cause a significant dent in the U.S economy.

About Aqsa Waseem

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