LCD Screens with In Display Fingerprint Scanner will be available in 2020

Chinese Tech firm Fortsense announced that it had developed an in display fingerprint sensor technology that could work on LCD panels. According to the research and development team, they managed to achieve the breakthrough by revising and improving the fingerprint optical path scheme.

Before that only OLED displays were able to incorporate the in display fingerprint scanner due to the reason, only OLED display allows light to pass through it to authenticate a fingerprint via the underneath mounted sensor. Now, Chinese company Fortsense has announced it has successfully developed in display fingerprint scanners for handsets with an LCD display.

The commonly used optical fingerprint scanner captures a 2D picture of the fingerprint using light and then detects unique patterns on the surface like ridges through algorithms. The recent ultrasonic fingerprint scanners used on Samsung flagship smartphones work on the same principle but use sound waves that are said to be more secure. However, both technologies needed OLED panels to work efficiently.

The new in-display fingerprint scanning technology developed by Fortsense for LCD panels can are expected to pave the way for brands to offer the feature on more affordable smartphones. Major handset makers predicts that this technology may soon appear on low end devices by the end of next year.

About Aqsa Waseem