U.S. grants another 90 days extension to Huawei temporary trade reprieve after the original deadline ends today

Huawei was banned from doing trade with U.S. companies in May this year. But for the benefit of U.S. own suppliers and manufacturers Trump Administration allowed Huawei to do business with U.S. companies for 90 days and find alternatives in the meantime. The 90 days period that was given by the U.S. government ends today.

Now, U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said today that the government will extend a reprieve given to Huawei Technologies that will allow the Chinese firm to buy supplies from U.S. companies so that it can service existing customers. According to reliable sources the reprieve will be in place for 90 more days.

Notable thing in this whole scenario is that a number of U.S. companies largely depends upon the business they do with Huawei. According to economy experts if U.S. completely cuts ties with Huawei then it will lose up to $20 Billion of export revenue per year.

Huawei is the World's second largest smartphone manufacturer behind Samsung. Huawei has worked extensively to develop its own technology so it doesn't have to rely on U.S. companies. The company has now introduced in house HarmonyOS which is claimed to be faster and more efficient than Android.

About Aqsa Waseem